If you are a Subaru fan you may be aware that Subaru redesigned the 4 cylinder Boxer engine going into the 2011 Subaru Forester. I am very happy to inform our readers that the new engine design allows for the use of a much larger oil filter Part # 15208AA130.
New Oil filter 2011 Subaru Forester Vs the Old
Pictured above the new filter on the right Vs the old one on the left.
I have often commented on the previous oil filter being to small in size in my opinion. Subaru has also reestablished their relation ship with Tokyo Roki who makes a much superior oil filter in my opinion than Honey well. Tokyo Roki still makes the oil filter for the H6 (3.0l & 3.6l) and used to make the 15208 AA100 for the H4 until it was superceeded to the 15208AA12A.
Its Important to note as well that Subaru Requires Synthetic Oil for the 2011 Subaru Forester.
The move to a bigger oil filter is a much needed one in my opinion, I don’t as of yet believe it is backwards compatible to fit the older H4 engines but will post an update when I know more
Thanks for reading