Helping Subaru Owners in need
For the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to figure out where my small business fits in terms of being able to offer any real help. We have a healthy staff most who do not fall into any high risk category, but we did put a few staff members on standby to limit the number of people in place during the need for social distance and to be honest we just are not seeing our customers at the volume we were prior to the shelter in place order.
I’m not about to have my guys learn how to sew masks or attempt to make ventilators, but there has to be something we can do right? I’ve seen other businesses offer free this or that for front line workers, but what about someone who has lost their job?
We have met some great people through the years, people that have been good to us, and it’s those people that I want to help the most. So if you are a Subaru owner and you have found yourself unemployed, put on standby, furloughed etc. I want to change your oil for free. This one’s on us, and we can all look for brighter skies around the corner.
We are going to put a limit of 10 free oil changes a week on this and on a first come first serve basis.
For how long I guess depends on the length of the shelter in place order combined with the local economy reopening and people getting back to work.
All Wheel Drive Auto is a small business and doesn’t have unlimited resources, but we do have engine oil, oil filters and a staff that loves your Subaru.
I Hope this helps those that need the help right now and we hope to see everyone of our customers soon.
-Justin Stobb
You can schedule below or call us at the shop 425 828 3600