We receive a lot of questions about the check engine light coming on both from local customers and from Subaru owners across the country. The one thing I constantly find myself try to convey is that with out knowing what code is set there is not much that can be done. The light is merely an indication that the Engine Management Computer has set a code and needs to be scanned. Something I realized today when talking to a Subaru owner on the other side of the country about their check engine light is.
“Owning a modern vehicle and not having a code scanner or a great shop to stop by in your neighborhood is kind of like being a parent without a thermometer”
If your are local to us, you may never need one but if you take your Subaru on road trips or don’t have a shop like ours close to you, it’s just as important these days to have a code scanner in your car as it is to have a spare tire.
I have provided a link to one we have found to be easy to use. The cost of the scanner is half of what many will pay to have a Subaru Dealer tell them their gas cap was loose, if you can use a phone you can use a code scanner. Once you have the code, you can at a minimum do a little research and determine if you should continue to drive the car, or get it into a shop.
All Wheel Drive Auto
“Helping you get more from your Subaru'”
Subaru Owners local to us call 425 828 3600 for help with this or any other Subaru need.
If you live outside of our service area post your question or comment below and we will be happy to help as time allows.