Has your Subaru been sitting for sometime now, and you have gone to drive it only to find it smells like an old gym bag when you turn on the AC?
If you are getting this intense aroma coming from your car vents or generally from the interior, it’s probably telling you that your vehicle’s air-conditioner system has grown some sort of mildew, bacteria or mold on it. (or there really is a gym bag in your back seat)
These three things can be anything from irritating to almost unsafe to people with specific sensitivities. That is why we offer our customers the PermaSafe Surface Cleaning & Air Sanitation service.
In short, we remove the floor mats, do a quick vacuum/wipe down, replace the cabin filter (this is the fabric/paper filter in your AC system ), and run the two stage product throughout the car. Stage One is a cleaner, disinfectant and heavy-duty odor eliminator. Stage two is a Anti-Microbial Surface protectant to help prevent anything from growing back.
New Vs. Old Subaru Cabin Filter
Perma-Safe Product Being Applied
If you want more detailed information about this product, see our previous blog post here –
Right now we are offering a $30.00 off coupon for this service to help our customers stay clean and comfortable.
If you’re in the Seattle area you can call the repair shop at 425-828-3600 to learn more or schedule below. I hope this information helps and that you get to enjoy your Subaru.
– Joe Malinosky