Free Subaru Second Opinion

For the second time in the last couple of years Subaru issued a recall for the for a long list of Subaru vehicles. The odd thing about this one is it’s really a recall of the recall as many of the cars repaired over the last couple of years were basically repaired with the same […]

Subaru Service Finally A Real Led Headlight Upgrade

Subaru Led Headlight Upgrade One of the things I have really tried to do my entire career is look for solutions when solutions are truly needed.  When I started All Wheel Drive Auto in 2005 that was going to be a main focus, part of that sometimes is also getting information out so I can […]

Subaru Service A Better Bushing For Your Subaru

Up until 2004 Subaru used a pretty archaic suspension system, remaining relatively unchanged since 1989 in the Subaru Legacy.  In the front there is a strut, spring, and lower control arm fitted with a front position bushing, a lower ball joint, and a hydraulically activated rear bushing, which is prone to leaks after mileage and […]

Subaru Service After The Snow

Well we just survived the first snow of 2020 and for some reason this one felt kinda bad for such a quick storm.  The snow seemed heavy, the very definition of “cascade concrete” and we already have had a lot of calls about Subarus that impacted curbs, have had trouble starting or worse overheating.  Winter […]

Subaru Ownership Seattle Subaru Tire Chains And Snow Tires Revisited

Most modern Subaru vehicles cannot have tire chains installed. Which creates a lot of confusion when you see signs like these on the road. The hang up always seems to be that you bought your Subaru because it was All Wheel Drive and because it’s All Wheel Drive you never thought you would need to buy […]